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/ The World of Computer Software / The World of Computer Software.iso / os2dsk01.zip / DISK1.DSK

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Images (2)

Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
CONFIG.SYS Text File 29 605b 1992-11-22
DISK.NUM Text File 1 20b 1992-12-10

Other Files (47)
ANSICALL.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 438b 1992-12-09
BKSCALLS.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 401b 1992-12-09
BMSCALLS.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 398b 1992-12-09
BVHINIT.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 9KB 1992-12-09
BVSCALLS.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 454b 1992-12-09
CLOCK01.SYS MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4KB 1992-12-09
CLOCK02.SYS MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4KB 1992-12-09
CMD.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 89KB 1992-12-09
DOS.SYS MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1KB 1992-12-09
FDISK.COM MS-DOS/Windows Executable 105KB 1992-12-09
HARDERR.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 14KB 1992-12-09
HPFS.IFS MS-DOS/Windows Executable 129KB 1992-12-09
IBM1FLPY.ADD MS-DOS/Windows Executable 25KB 1992-12-10
IBM1S506.ADD MS-DOS/Windows Executable 23KB 1992-12-10
IBM2ADSK.ADD MS-DOS/Windows Executable 11KB 1992-12-10
IBM2FLPY.ADD MS-DOS/Windows Executable 14KB 1992-12-10
IBM2M57.ADD MS-DOS/Windows Executable 21KB 1992-12-09
IBM2SCSI.ADD MS-DOS/Windows Executable 23KB 1992-12-10
IBMINT13.I13 MS-DOS/Windows Executable 10KB 1992-12-10
KBD01.SYS MS-DOS/Windows Executable 30KB 1992-12-09
KBD02.SYS MS-DOS/Windows Executable 26KB 1992-12-09
KBDCALLS.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 858b 1992-12-09
MOUCALLS.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1KB 1992-12-09
MOUSE.SYS MS-DOS/Windows Executable 14KB 1992-12-09
MSG.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 478b 1992-12-09
NAMPIPES.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1KB 1992-12-09
NLS.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 466b 1992-12-09
NPXEMLTR.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 25KB 1992-12-09
OS2ASPI.DMD MS-DOS/Windows Executable 6KB 1992-12-10
OS2CHAR.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 56KB 1992-12-10
OS2DASD.DMD MS-DOS/Windows Executable 33KB 1992-12-09
OS2SCSI.DMD MS-DOS/Windows Executable 11KB 1992-12-09
PRINT01.SYS MS-DOS/Windows Executable 9KB 1992-12-09
QUECALLS.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 15KB 1992-12-09
SCREEN01.SYS MS-DOS/Windows Executable 1KB 1992-12-09
SCREEN02.SYS MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2KB 1992-12-09
SESMGR.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 32KB 1992-12-09
SIPANEL1.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 25KB 1992-12-10
SYSINST1.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4KB 1992-12-10
SYSINST2.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 123KB 1992-12-11
TESTCFG.SYS MS-DOS/Windows Executable 4KB 1992-12-10
VIOCALLS.DLL MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2KB 1992-12-09
EA DATA. SF OS/2 Extended File Attributes 5KB 1992-12-11
COUNTRY.SYS Unknown 26KB 1992-12-09
KEYBOARD.DCP Unknown 5KB 1992-12-09
SYSLEVEL.OS2 Unknown 165b 1992-12-09
VTBL850.DCP Unknown 10KB 1992-12-09